sábado, 20 de noviembre de 2010

Gabriela suarez palm

She is gabriela suarez palm my only sister, born July 1, 2000 in the city of barranquilla. to be a very graceful person is one of his qualities that mas stand out in his personality, for this almost quite it causes laugh but in occasions it is very irritating

Delcy palm ebrat and josefa ebrat

They are delcy palm ebrat and josefa ebrat, my breast and my grandmother, in this occasion us encotrabamos in the house of my grandmother celebrating with her the day of the mothers together with all his relatives and mas relatives

 Elsa judith castro

They are my paternal grandmother, my aunt the sister of my dad and my cousins, in this occasion we are in the house of my grandmother celebrating his birthday  I number 74, together with his children and grandsons

family suarez penaloza

They are leibniz suarez brother of my dad, sandra penaloza the wife of my uncle, leibniz jr suarez, dayana suarez and jaider suarez my cousins. Here again they are in house of my grandmother but celebrating together with my grandfather the day of the father

Jose suarez

This one mister, he is my grandfather, jose suarez, celebrating i join to his day of the father I number forty. Here it was captured while it was opening the gifts delivered on the part of his sons

my family

 They are my family that this shaped for ferney suarez, delcy palm and gabriela suarez, here we are in a park near to the house of my grandmother hoping that it happens the evening

cinley palma

She is cinley palm one of my premiums on the part of breast. This photo was taken of a great portrait that was in the room of the house of my uncle the day that she cumplio 21 years of age


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